Thursday 30 May 2013

#HKSBP40 SMSSelangor

Thursday 30 May 2013

HKSBP 40 SMS Selangor

Everyont thoughts about that , yaa HKSBP40 at Sek Men Sains Selangor with help of ASiS and Teknik KL . every year , this prestige event of SBP will be the “ buah mulut ” . 

I'm The Best Speaker laa , said me :)
About The Paticipants . Debaters . Management . Moments . Events held . and Everything happened . my comments for The whole #HKSBP40 is quite good but can be improve later . just about the management laa , we need to walk from one school to another just only to have a debate ! cuba bayangkan , guys hostel at ASiS , our prep room kat Teknik KL while the game held at SMSS ! about 10 mins gak laa diperlukan . I would not like to tell specific thing about HKSBP40 SMSS , just let us go through to some events !

on our way to SMS Selangor

The One and the most important thing is for sure about the debate . SEPINTAR was in group I with another SBP which STF is the leader of the group !

at the prep room , preparation

At preliminary stage , we won all the games . Even with STF . First game with SMS Kubang Pasu with motion : Pertambahan Artis Muda Merancakkan Hiburan Tanah Air , SEPINTAR won and Hadi be the best speaker of that game . 

i'm on action against SMS Kubang Pasu
Click . click .
Secong game against SEMUJI , motion : Bahasa Melayu Penyatu Bangsa Malaysia , we won again and me , as the best speaker . 

the guys

Third game against STF , motion : Sekolah Sukan wajar ditambah , Hadi again be the best speaker and we won . Last game in preliminary stage SEPINTAR against SEMSAS with motion , PBS Meningkatkan Potensi Pelajar , we won and me as the best speaker , again :) We loss in octo-final game agains SMS Pasir Putih . 

Hadi tulis bout ke'annoying'an minah 1st speaker SMS Pasir Putih
with them , SMS Pasir Putih

Everyone thoughts that we can win , and actually we are the winner , but everything happens for a reason . we need to accept it . the adjudicators state that our arguments are so tough but we not to good in language and style part ! watt a hell man ? and , it was the final game for us !

lapar lepas perah otak !
motion english yang weird :*

Next event is the “Majlis Perasmian HKSBP 40” . it was held at CIDB Hall , nothing extraordinary thing I would like to tell . just simple event . I got more closer to intergomb’s debaters , Anis and Jannah .
Anis integomb yang kecoh sangat sangat
mcm biasa , masa ucapan is masa kami melaram !
my kawan baru , Anis . Jannah
Then , “Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang HKSBP 40” also held there next evening . The management was so urrghh ! FAIL ! cuba bayangkan budak2 SBPduduk berkeliaran di tepi-tepi longkang ? oohh , man ! most SBP-ians do not have our seats . The only reason given is , the seats is for VVIP . da hell ? if u can’t to organize the events , just give the task to another SBP lah ! Sepintar got the Pengurusan Sistem Rumah Terbaik’s award ! that’s all .

design dalam dewan
aku lagi tinggi dari Tikaz
candid , take by Naza

Full Colours award make me lebih bersemangat untuk Berjaya gak macam penerima anugerah yang lain.
Last but not least , “Majlis Penutupan HKSBP 40” was held at IPG , sebelah ASiS jee . I hope that I can have the Top 10 Best Speaker’s award , but I can’t . Naza got that award as the 9th best speaker for English debate . I met many famous students as debaters there . I have a picta with Razzaq , Ilmira Murni and also Ira Zalis . so proud meyh ! 

SSP's english debaters , finalist !
with best of best speaker from SMS Pasir Putih
me with Ira Zalis, TKC's debater
unforgetable moment , with Ilmira and Razzaq
am . ekwan . helmi,SDAR's malay debater
Aiman sekarang makin ramai kawan

I hope that I can join next HKSBP at SESMA , Terengganu . We (form 5 debaters) plan to have a good and nice journey next ear and be the trainer for 2014 debaters . Overall , Okayh . I knew much things here , Thanks a lot #HKSBP ! I’ll never forget about HKSBP . DEBATERS . FRIENDS . MANAGEMENT . AWARDS . SBP . 

jom balik ! run for ur life :")

Baskin Robbin please ,

muka teruja dapat Holiday :")

at the end , sampai pun .


If u want to achieve success , u need to sacrifice !

jauh pandang ke hadapan !
on da way SMSS MERSING
So , untuk memastikan aku dapat kejayaan , terpaksa laa aku berkorban masa cuti pertengahan tahun untuk join kem chemist . actually , bukan calang-calang orang yang dapat join kem chemist ni woahh , budak kelas elit ramai lah , setakat kelas aku, aku , IRFAN N. ngan AISYAH NENEK je yang dapat join .

LOBANG pose whoaa

 Guru Muda Kimia shj is allow , okayh ? nampak bajet nya tuh . programe ni actually nak bagi kefahaman lebih pasal kimia kat guru-guru muda , senang nak ajar budak kat sekolah nanti kan ? banyak gak sekolah yang join kem kimia ni , tuan rumah -->  SMS MERSING , SMK DATO’ PEGAWA BARAT , SEPINTAR , INTEGRASI TEMERLOH , dll . memey  best jugak laa gi sana , at least takda lah rasa buang masa sangat cuti kan ? lagi2 , bila beloved Mrs Marlina jadi taiko kat sana . muahahaha .
beloved Mrs.Marlina
 ada sekali tu kitorang skip 1 kelas sebab pergi pantai air papan , see , taiko tak taiko laa Mrs Marlina tuh . muahaha . 

pose GM before mandi pantai
aku yang malas nak mandi !
kau engat GM pandai mengajar je ke ?
best of best punya POSE .
tapi , sumpah tak tipu , kem ni best gilak woahh . cikgu kata akan ada lagi kohort kedua , amboi , kohort ! yup , emmey ada lagi , SEPINTAR punya giliran jadi tuan rumah . siap invite SESERI lagi . minggu 1st cuti semester pertama arituh . cikgu tambah kuota 100 orang pelajar cemerlang kimia join . tahniah yang terpilih . aku pulak terpaksa buat preparation untuk HKSBP ke-40 , kat Sek Men Sains Selangor . kitorang ni setakat dapat usha je laa dari makmal bahasa tu , aktiviti berjalan . 

dalam dewan politeknik
fokus weyh , fokus
when the guys at loo
group GM cikgu Kahar
GM yang berjaya
FINAL POSE at canteen
OTW balik sekolah . ready for HOLIDAY !

 apa2 pun ,sama-sama lah kita doakan kejayaan calon-calon SPM #LOX SEPINTAR ni semuanya dapat keputusan yang membanggakan pada tahun hadapan . amin ya rabbalalamin .


mercu tanda HGS
CUPCAKE COMEL untuk cikgu

Congratz to all LOXians ! 
atas kerjasama baagai aur dengan tebing  dan kesepaduan hati gajah sama dilapah hati kuman sama dicecah , atas pemuafakatan bulat air kerana pembentung bulat manusia kerana muafakat , akhirnya kami LOX CREW berjaya menjayakan HARI GURU SEPINTAR dengan maju , jaya , cemerlang , gemilang , terbilang nya . we are great ! 


before and after the moments , everyone are talking about it . the biggest incident happened is when @sepintargags tweet like this : “ form tengah sibuk buat persiapan HGS , adakah hasilnya gedeboom atau hanya seperti elves ? ”  ,, fuh penuh kontroversi sehingga menyebabkan @sepintargags kini tutup akaun twitter-nya . kemudian ,masalah guru2 yang tak nak pakai baju ikut tema yang ditetapkan . ditambah lagi dengan berita ketidak dapat hadirnya our new principal , dek kerana kena pergi mesyuarat SBT . then , Mrs Mai tak boleh datang majlis perpindahan beliau . dan banyak lagi ,, namun atas kesepaduan yang utuh , akhirnya #HGS LOX-13 diabadikan sebagai kenangan yang cikgu2 akan kenang sampai bila-bila . 

ucapan Ketua Umum
cikgu rumah merah , tema : China

cikgu rumah hijau , tema : INDIA
about the persembahan . not bad laa . just ada certain persembahan yang annoying jee . lama sangat , penat nak tunggu . samapai ustazah norrahila boleh tanda paper PSI dalam dewasn tunggu persembahan tamat . muahahaha . but , its okayh laa sepintarian !

persembahan form 4
persembah form 4

I’m sure about that ! dengan berTEMAkan KESULTANAN MELAYU MELAKA , dengan guru2 as PEDAGANG DARI JAWA , CHINA , INDIA , ARAB & EROPAH , form 5 as orang penting ISTANA , dll as rakyat jelata , WOW ! ohsem gilak aah !

come from JAWA

come from EUROPE
come from ARAB

 we feel that we drop the unforgettable moments to all SEPINTARIANS , not only to teachers ! everyone were so proud to us , and to ones who can’t join the #HGS LOX-13 ,u are so RUGI RUGI RUGI . why I repeat triple , sebab TERSANGATLAH RUGI ! untuk menambah kepercayaan readers lagi , enjoy watching all da photos along #HGS LOX-13 :”) 

cikgu cikgu MELARAM

MAJLIS beliau


hulubalang , dayang

rakyat jelata

rakyat jelata
dah habis :")
caption yang tak sengaja
kami yang KACAK !

mohon patik harap diampun
PUAS SANGAT , HGS dah habis !
from Mrs Marlina :")